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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. B.O. starts in 10m
  2. Hey guys! Instant Price 20m. Thanks! Regular Vs. Shiny
  3. B.O starts 1.5m now its 3:32PM (6:32 on Forum) for me. it ends june 13th, (3:32PM)
  4. so? i believe 1.8m is more than 1.3 + 3ms! ms = 130-150 Why don't I have bo? Why didn't I get answered? You saw my offer and nothing...
  5. Re: Totodile Hidden Ability Adamant 4*30 7h <t>1.8m<br/> <br/> how much are you considering 1 MS?<br/> you should post it in first page!</t>
  6. Re: Shiny Ditto <r>SOLD<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/SaRh928.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  7. Looking for best offer. No instant or time left yet!
  8. 5 dollars = 100-200k You really don't care about your money right? It should be at least 300-400k, AT LEAST!!! Sold out MS is the best thing that could've happened to the game economy!
  9. 500* on Sala!
  10. Re: Silver's Shop Shiny Corphish added for 24 hour bid only! <t>850k for corphish</t>
  11. About learning new moves <t>Hey...<br/> <br/> Well I dont know if it's the right place to post, but...<br/> <br/> I have a suggestion to improve PRO...<br/> Could you guys put a "warning" during new moves learning?<br/> Like, are you sure you wanna replace this move?<br/> <br/> Yesterday I was battling and when it finished, out of nowhere, appeared the window to learn a new move, and I clicked by mistake and deleted the wrong move since I did'nt see that coming...<br/> <br/> Thx...<br/> Cya!</t>
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