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Everything posted by Chorachora

  1. Sooo i´ve been getting this problem since Kanto.My base stat doesn´t update. U are suppose to win 1 point for each 4 u farm in EV right? My pokemons don´t get that one point, they only get it after 7,8 farmed EV
  2. Legit, wtf is wrong with Johto. It´s so so so hard to grind. Going to my third gym. Highest level pokemon? 14... LOL i´m winning 400 xp when i need 22000 to level up... In Kanto it was relatively easy to grind. Is this supposed to make the game harder? Cause it really doesn´t, it only makes it boring. Another thing is the variety of Pokemons... it´s so low. 80% of the time is rattata, zubat,geodude,Hoothoot except Ilex forest at least
  3. Blaine Pokemons keep changing the nature of their attacks. The first time i went there i used a Sandslash tentacruel charizard etc. Blaine pokemon used always the same attacks, Bounce, extreme speed and Slash. Went there a second time they just started throwing random attacks. If i sent a rock/ground type they use a special attack, if i send a water/ghost/fire type the use a normal/fighting attack. I mean, how the hell am i suppose to counter this?
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