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  1. Thank you for the response. I'm at the start of hoenn no, so i guess i'll have to wait to collect the rattata . It's nice to hear that the problem was resolved though Kind regards Shakespeed
  2. Hello everybody A couple of hours ago i trained my rattata to lvl 80 and decided to battle joey so i could go to hoenn. I had no trouble in defeating his rattatas because i had two lvl 100 pokemon. When i reached his last rattata, i tried finishing him off with blastoise using surf, when suddenly the game froze. The music kept playing, but no animation or text whatsoever came on my screen. About 10 seconds later the battle screen disappears and joey is gone. there was no dialogue between us, and i could just go to the hoenn traveler. I decided to check on my pc and i noticed that i didn't get a shiny rattata. Is there any way this can be resolved? Kind regards Shakespeed
  3. Hello everybody A couple of hours ago i trained my rattata to lvl 80 and decided to battle joey so i could go to hoenn. I had no trouble in defeating his rattatas because i had two lvl 100 pokemon. When i reached his last rattata, i tried finishing him off with blastoise using surf, when suddenly the game froze. The music kept playing, but no animation or text whatsoever came on my screen. About 10 seconds later the battle screen disappears and joey is gone. there was no dialogue between us, and i could just go to the hoenn traveler. I decided to check on my pc and i noticed that i didn't get a shiny rattata. Is there any way this can be resolved? Kind regards Shakespeed
  4. want to sell this shiny crobat. i don't really know how much i should ask, so just offer :)
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