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Everything posted by Hellspawn1410

  1. So you have to actually see them running around the area ? Well if that is the case then I already have lunatone done as I did meet a lunatone in mt pyre. Remind me where Cave of Origin is pls. Then i might have misunderstood the quest
  2. Sorry if the title is a bit confusing but I just want to report that the character on the map isn't showing it's EXACT location. For example if I'm in a city/town, on the map it shows me that my character is either left or right of that specific town. I know this is a MINOR bug but it's really bothering and annoying me alot Can you please see to a proper fix ? Thanks
  3. I would like to report a bug about Ranger Bobby in Route 116 House. The quest specifies to catch a lunatone and solrock from meteor falls and then report back to him after the findings. When I did that he tells me that it has not been completed yet
  4. Re: New Zone: Valley Of Steel <t>So what is this all about ? Do we have any more details about this ? Like for example pokemon in the area, items, Waterfall maybe ? Anything you can spare please ? :)</t>
  5. I agree with alibaaba...maybe hoenn e4 has a cd if you failed or in case of crash. at the same time then why weren't johto and kanto with cd ? Well my guess if this is true then maybe they just added the cd with the release of hoenn who knows
  6. My suggestion for the xp boost is a really easy and efficient one. Why not impliment the remaining time you have on it from the moment you use it ? This way it would be easier to know exactly how much time it has left before it expires. Was just thinking to impliment the same suggestion for the membership where it shows you the remaining days + hours it has before it expires Thanks for taking the time to read my post :)
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