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Everything posted by Zomgboy

  1. Gible is now all day on the moon. And riolu is at daytime instead of morning. Thanks for the guide!
  2. It has been a month ago since my shiny paras #3 got denied because I went to my bag to get a pokeball and got the game to get stuck. The game itself basically doesnt respond anymore after switching in bag. Now this morning i couldnt get a bagon cuz of no slots in box left, while I had 9 full bankslots left. And now I found another bagon after 3hrs and get the pokeball problem again.....
  3. I was able to catch alot of pokemon last night which went into bank. I came back this morning and 2 were depositted into the bank. just this bagon wouldnt get inside (havent tested the next pokemon just party slot > bank worked fine)
  4. Today I caught several pokemon without any problem. Then I encountered a bagon (lucky me) and tried to capture it. My pokeballs failed and got the message that my pokebank was full. I clearly had like 8-9 full slots left. I don't know if it happens to other players atleast it did to me. Also I deposited some pokemon from my party to the box and had no issue with this at all.
  5. Alright thanks alot! Wasn't aware of that :)
  6. I just bought a 900k ralts (Might be a bit too much xD) and searched on it at my pokedex and got the conclusion it doesnt learn moonblast. Sure dragon type moves cant hit it but it's not viable as it used to be. Any reason why moonblast isnt scripted on it? Because clefairy learns it at lvl. 48 I am sure it works so please give gardevoirs some <3
  7. Just when I am on a chansey in safari another dc....
  8. Red server quite unstable, it was up in the air for 20 min then offline again :(
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