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Everything posted by Happymoonwolf

  1. Wanting to find up to date info on spawns in hoen Tms and tutors in hoen And item locations Thanks in advance :thanks:
  2. So do you frisk it of Wild Manly in that area ?
  3. Would be around 15k going on new prices since not much is animated but the text would that be okay :3
  4. i could do it but it wouldent be animated because i cant track it onto the gif frame by frame Aw. Thats fine, in that case do an animated gothitelle on the left side with "why so serious?" above it and my name as requested before at the bottom in the centre. Thank you! :Cool: let me know how much! can still do the gotitelle one if youd prefer :3
  5. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="ThatGuyGareth"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="ThatGuyGareth"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="ThatGuyGareth"><s> </e></QUOTE> <IMG src="https://i68.tinypic.com/a4rbxx.jpg"><s></e></IMG> cant rmemebr if you sed x or y but hope this is okay <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  6. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="ThatGuyGareth"><s> </e></QUOTE> what mega char ? x or y?</r>
  7. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="happymoonwolf"><s> </e></QUOTE></r>
  8. Dose golbat still hold soothe bell or is it lum berry only ? :/ :Shocked: :thanks:
  9. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="Obliternade"><s> </e></QUOTE> <IMG src="https://i68.tinypic.com/9k6urs.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  10. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="Belg"><s> </e></QUOTE> finnished :D <IMG src="https://i64.tinypic.com/30k4pyv.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  11. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="JoyousFox"><s> </e></QUOTE> <IMG src="https://i68.tinypic.com/24zc1mx.jpg"><s></e></IMG> hope this is okay XD</r>
  12. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="Tuneful"><s> </e></QUOTE> do you still want electravire now your team litten :P?</r>
  13. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="7MinToMidnight"><s> </e></QUOTE> <IMG src="https://i65.tinypic.com/29416rq.jpg"><s></e></IMG> :D hope you like :) <E>:thanks:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> OMG! dude its beautiful! if you could take away the animated chandelure and put the name and the banette more right, it would be perfect! <E>:Heart:</E> ty<e> </e></QUOTE> <IMG src="https://i67.tinypic.com/nx8k5h.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  14. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="Zupercooer"><s> </e></QUOTE> i could do it but it wouldent be animated because i cant track it onto the gif frame by frame</r>
  15. Awesome thanks Do I need it to get past the 'dragonite in the way'? Yep, it's a level 120 Dragonite. Holey balls do I have to battle it D: ahah I just want a goomy T.T
  16. Awesome thanks Do I need it to get past the 'dragonite in the way'?
  17. How do I become a member I want to be able to get evolite and such
  18. open to offers I just want to sell them jhoto only collection :) :thanks:
  19. Just want of to know a list of items obtainable in the game and if big root is one do them :)
  20. Can someone teach leech seed to my paras :Shy:
  21. Hi now it not added this tm yet. But you can also look updated about tm in here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=3669 Hope it can help you :Grin: --Move to proper place-- When you say move to proper place where's that for these sorts of questions and thank you :D
  22. I really want a vile plume but what's the point if it can't get sludge bomb made that mistake with roseerade can anyone tell me if its in / where it is and what new tms were added thanks :Smile: :thanks:
  23. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="PlutoIsNot12"><s> </e></QUOTE> <IMG src="https://i64.tinypic.com/2przbrr.jpg"><s></e></IMG> :D</r>
  24. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="7MinToMidnight"><s> </e></QUOTE> <IMG src="https://i65.tinypic.com/29416rq.jpg"><s></e></IMG> :D hope you like :) <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  25. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <r><QUOTE author="Stickstoff"><s> </e></QUOTE> <IMG src="https://i67.tinypic.com/2psog8y.jpg"><s></e></IMG> done let me know when you can pay :D <E>:thanks:</E></r>
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