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  1. Changed topic to Buy only. Trashed the poke which you probably wanted
  2. cant check now, but im sure it is male, however according to all pokemonsites the gender doesnt matter if you want glalie
  3. Region doesnt matter! Note that Im not sure if all of them are (catchable) in the game yet. Doing this list while server is offline. Stats dont matter, it is just for dexdata and evolutions, which means im not paying much, 10 - 20k each Buy: Mime Jr. Elekid Magby Munchlax Chikorita Bonsly Unown Skarmory Smeargle Mudkip Taillow Nincada Sableye Mawile Wailmer Spinda Baltoy Lileep (or the Fossil, if tradeable) Anorith (or the Fossil, if tradeable) Spheal Piplup Roggenrola Woobat Drilbur Cubchoo Froakie Goomy 2x Kings Rock Reaper Cloth 2x Dusk Stone Dawn Stone Shiny Stone Razor Fang Protector
  4. My snorunt is lvl 44 and doesnt evolve aswell, please fix this bug
  5. Pokemon red best game of all time :D
  6. Thanks for the effort
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