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  1. Can I join? 220hrs 16 badges. I just want to play for fun nothing serious.
  2. Thank you sir.
  3. I was wondering where can I find a Sableye and do I have to be a member to find one ?
  4. Re: JustLegend's shop (all epic pokes) (updated) <t>I've already got another offer.</t>
  5. Re: JustLegend's shop (all epic pokes) (updated) <t>50k for Arcanine</t>
  6. Is using surf easier or using rod easier to find a dragonaire ?
  7. I would like to join your guild, if that is possible. IGN : Tycoone619 I'm new poke. However i have 100hr in this game.
  8. He, I would like to join your guild IGN: Tycoone619 Age: 24 Fav Poke : Blastiose/Mega Blastiose & Dragonite. I don't know why I love Blastiose but it's always my favorite since pokemon first came out and for Dragonite I love its derpy look, fighting a Dragonite is like fighting a baby in Iron Man suit. My aim is to build the strongest team revolve around these two pokemons.
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