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About Niwrad5

  • Birthday 06/02/1993

Personal Information

  • Career
    Marketing student
  • IGN
  • Occupation
    Marketing student

Niwrad5's Achievements



  1. When is it useful?
  2. Neverland I am going there tonight!
  3. Can anyone tell me the location please?
  4. I think after paying such a big amount of money to complete the quest it is outrageous to ask so much money for a single ride...
  5. People keep saying epic epic epic, but I have no idea how you can see it
  6. Looking to buy Scizor :) Pm me
  7. IGN: Niwrad5 Hours Played: 22 Estimated activity level: On weekdays 8 hours/day, weekends a bit less Badges: 10 Fav Pokemon: Tyranitar! Been my favorite pokemon for 11 years! I am looking for a friendly, mature guild! I am 22 years old myself.
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