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Everything posted by Seanyboy92

  1. a building solely for the purpose of buying, selling, and trading pokemon/items. options for pvp, story, lvls, types, stats, etc. players could find exactly what they're looking for (in game) and buy or sell X much safer. sellers choose a min acceptable price for X. which i believe both items and pokes need a base value depending on, not only rarity, but an average price for what X already sells for.
  2. no, im not blaming anyone. my main point here is that when having a trade system there should be base prices, simplified deal system, and organization. the auction house idea is more towards those key points. as it stand right now, i feel trade chat is disorderly and based around what one person wants whatever they're feeling for that day. this doesnt help anyone. set it up from the costumers point of view rather than the sellers. what are people willing to spend for X? as i said, this is a basic idea. feel free to add your input.
  3. i spend alot of time in both help and trade chats, and ive noticed it's rather difficult to buy items and pokes. prices seem to drastically change and many people think they're getting something for a good price only to find out they've been scammed. most of us are aware of the scrn shot rule for trades though i feel that could be fixed as well. my idea is an auction house system. possibly an auction house for each region: set in the most popular/used city. saffron for example in kanto. set base prices for items and auctions for pokemon. if possible an automatic trading system for auction house trades to rule out scamming. also could give members access to "cross-region" auctions. all auction houses accessible from any AH no matter the region. evo trading is already difficult and if its done with a stranger, it's out right risky. not everyone uses/knows about scrn shot while trading. i believe we could negate the issue and do a Evo trading system. Used specifically for evolution trading. whether it be in the auction house and you have to pay a SMALL fee to either the system or another player, but when labeled as a Evo trade it's "traded" but traded back to original owner for evolving. these are just a couple ideas for you guys to play with, but i feel an auction house is definitely needed for this game and i know alot of people would benefit from it.
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