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Everything posted by Abhilash

  1. Gengar 80-120k Snorlax 80-100 Dragonite 50-100k
  2. Around 400k :)
  3. It wont go for much . Level it up to 100 and will go for 20-30k
  4. It wont go for much . Level it up to 100 and will go for 20-30k
  5. I am aware about this issue and request you guys to restart the server asap
  6. As the title says i am looking for an epic pvp ready skarmory
  7. Re: My simple Shop for good Poke <t>250k ferrothorn</t>
  8. Abhilash


    You need to have 70 pokemons evolved
  9. Re: Shabrina's Shop ~ (NEW UPDATE 15 OCTOBER 2016) <t>200k for the 2nd forree</t>
  10. I have already gone to moon and defeated deoxys and im hoenn champion but the guard at mossdeep city space center doesn't let me in . Any solutions ?
  11. Added new instants
  12. 1. https://prntscr.com/ba5ojr Bo 40k by natsu95 Instant 80k SOLD 2. https://prntscr.com/ba5tih Instant 40k 3. https://prntscr.com/ba5vbj Epic Instant 50k 4. https://prntscr.com/ba5wpz Instant 20k
  13. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [New Pokemon Added 05/28] <t>300k dragonair and 550k weavile</t>
  14. PM me ingame i got a good ivs adament dragonair lvl 97
  15. Re: [WTS] Epic Timid Magmar (3x30) <t>320k....</t>
  16. Re: [WTS] Epic Timid Magmar (3x30) <t>300k.....</t>
  17. Re: WTS Epic Gyarados Moxie (b.o) <t>110k....</t>
  18. Re: Auction 3 Pokemons <t>60k magby</t>
  19. I want to buy 100c .. Pm me the price please
  20. Welcome to PRO . Enjoy the game :)
  21. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <t>Thanks .. nice guide</t>
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