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Everything posted by Z3729587

  1. Re: EPIC 20+ ALL IVS POKE SHOP <t>300k donphan, 300k billssey, 50k parasect</t>
  2. auction not end???
  3. when can i take magmortar
  4. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [New Pokemon Added 05/28] <t>250k weavile,250k aero,200k bills se y</t>
  5. Re: Tymerods Lvl 100 Pokes (Charizard-Y, Galvantula, Magnezone, Heracross, Crobat, Roserade, ...) <t>i am online tonight, i am winner for Vileplum. Maybe we can meet for a trade at tonight?</t>
  6. update four pvp pokes
  7. When you are online tonight, add me friend ingame, you will win the bid for magmortar
  8. Bump!!!
  9. up up up
  10. Ty your offer, B.O ends in 48 hours :Shy:
  11. Hello every one to my shop XD Rules: 1.Auction time is 48 hours 2.If i satisfy your offer, i will begin the auction 3.I also set the instant price if you want right now 4. Accept ms = 180k and rare candy = 13k 5. Fake bid = report [highlight=Blue]Seriver[/highlight] 1.Epic Magmortar B.O: 600k by Danomad Insta price: 600k 2.Bold Togekiss B.O: Insta price: 600k 3.Sand Rush Excadrill 350k+nugget sold by Moltisanti 4.Strong Azumarill B.O: Insta price: 800k 5.Machamp 200k sold by Lightdawnx 6.Impish Tyranitar 200k sold by miltos20 7.Intimidate Arcanine 150k Sold by D00mkiwi 8.Good Vileplume B.O: Insta price: 100k Poke in Training 9.Bold Koffing B.O: Insta price: 200k 10.Impish Hippopotas 150k Sold 11.Sassy Larvitar(Mixed Tyranitar) B.O: Insta price: 50k Sold list
  12. n5 Scizor start price, and inst n27 phanpy
  13. Re: wts h.a drago h.a breloom, riolu <t>rly unlucky, your shroomish forgot the spore move, it cant be studied anymore after it evolves to breloom``</t>
  14. Re: Just a Sup3r Shop [OPEN] <t>what is the start price of durant and relaxed tyra ?</t>
  15. Re: Just a Sup3r Shop [OPEN] <t>130k durant</t>
  16. Re: Just a Sup3r Shop [OPEN] <t>450 machamp</t>
  17. B.O: 600k by Danomad ends in 25/05/2016 UT 20:08
  18. Re: Just a Sup3r Shop [OPEN] <t>machamp250k</t>
  19. Re: Paraleom's shop <t>when is ending time? And tyra sold out?</t>
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