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  1. any updates on this topic so far?
  2. hey, thanks for the reply. i attached some samples of hats clipping with hair-type 3. i assume that there are more clothes which arent compatible with the hair type (which i dont have access to) https://imgur.com/lSigPKh greetings gromx
  3. PRO Username: Gr0mx Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message Hey, i customized my character with the hair-type 3 and wanted to buy a headgear in the ingame shop now. i realized in the preview that my hair is clipping through the hat. Is there any chance that this problem will get fixed? greetings Gromx edit: here is a screenshot of what i meant: https://imgur.com/lSigPKh
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