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Everything posted by Xkingdanx

  1. I havent played since the beggining of March. My last client download was 3/1/2018. WHen i logged on it is making me choose a new pokemon. I had 2k+ hours... mow i have 0 but my join date is still 4-23-16....................................................... what is going on...................
  2. What is it and how do I use it?
  3. Player with 2k hours looking for a casual guild that does a little PvP.
  4. We need some Rick and Morty coinshop items. Thank you, PICKLE RICK!!!
  5. 1200 hours, returning to play more after only logging for boss fights. no I will not join your discord I play games to relax and most people are annoying on there.
  6. Hello, It will not let me log into the blue server. It says user already logged in. I am logged out and have been. I can get in red and yellow though.... Anyone ever experience this?
  7. Hello, I have not been in my account for hours. When i try to log into blue it says "user alreadt logged in" i can log on to the red and yellow server. Anyone have this problem?
  8. Re: Tenshi's Sock Drawer - Swinub Farm Updated - 11/15/2016 <t>Do you have a 160+ IV jolly moxie heracross?</t>
  9. Re: xkingdanx's trailer park <t>thanks for the pig!</t>
  10. Re: xkingdanx's trailer park <t>sweet thanks</t>
  11. Hello, Feel free to message/comment/pm me about any of these. Trash Woobats 20k ***Pkmn do not come with the items. Prices may be negotiable. :devil: 250k 250k 80k 40k 35k 25k 40k 250k 40k 300k 30k 40k 40k 250k 40k 70k 40k 300k 40k 350k 40k 40k 40k 75k 200k 150k 120k 120k 40k
  12. Hello 0.o Statefarm is welcoming active players. The guild has been around since server inception and has plenty of active players. Players from Americas/Europe/Africa/Asia are in the guild so someone is usually one all hours. Anyone welcome PvE, PvP, collectors, trolls, ect. Please be 17+ and have at least 50 hours. People to PM xkingdanx tenshimoru keemo360 Happy Hunting :devil:
  13. Hello All, State Farm is recruiting.The leader is Tenshimoru. He is ranked in game hours. We want to get a guild who likes to be ranked in PVP :devil: . We also love the PVE aspect of the game. All of us have a lot of Pokémon to sell VERY cheap to guildies :y: . We like to talk about Pokémon builds. 17+ Please. :Angel: Very relaxed/funny environment Message these 3 players to join: xkingdanx tenshimoru keemo360 Thanks for reading happy hunting!
  14. I cannot find summer guardian lime what part of vulcan is that boss in.
  15. Hello, If you are interested in a guild several of our players have over 1000 hours. Extensive PvP and PvE knowledge. Formed by long time game friends so the guild is very relaxed. 18+ and 50+ hours please. Players to contact us to Join! Happy Farming! xkingdanx Tenshimoru devorevo
  16. PRO Username: xkingdanx Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message I was battling Joey to get to his last Pokémon and the server crashed. Can you reset him? thanks,
  17. WTS Gyrados 150k. pm me in game xkingdanx. thanks!
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