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Everything posted by Commandoair

  1. Thanks for the welcome :Grin:
  2. PRO Username: Commandoai Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? Prematurely evolved Growlithe into Arcanine What have you already tried to solve the problem? Battling to increase XP Description and Message Note: My IGN is Commandoair, the box wouldn't let me put the r in at the end I evolved my Growlithe into an Arcanine with a firestone early and then read that I should wait until level 41 to learn flamethrower. I thought this was the only reason why, but now when I do a battle the XP earned has gone from over 1,000 to about 300 and the XP bar doesn't move whatsoever.
  3. Thanks for the warm welcome, guys :Grin:
  4. Hi everyone :) Hopping in to say hi and introduce myself, I guess. I used to play pokemon when I was younger, but I was never very good and I'm even more a Pokemon noob now than I was before.
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