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  1. Hey, IGN: Dupeld0 Hours Played: 115 Why I Should Be Recruited: I'm really friendly dude who likes helping people in the game and wanted to join a nice guild to have some fun with and talk and do PvP. I also like dogs a lot and KFC :Cool: I know that u dont recruit until Hoenn but i really like you :Shy: I will wait until u recruit again, but wanted to post this beforehand. See ya, Dupeld0
  2. Hey, in-game name: Dupeld0 badges: 8 hours played: 60 time zone: +1 hope to see u ingame ;)
  3. PRO Username: Dupeld0 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? This is a common error on my pc. It doesnt open links in browser so i have to copy the link in my browser myself. What have you already tried to solve the problem? I havent found a link here to get coins so i wanted to ask for a link so i can do that. Description and Message Hello, as described above i just want a link to get coins since it doesnt work out of the game. Thanks :) Dupeld0
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