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there is also a teleporter at b4 to b10, il will edit my other one once there is an edit button
b1 stairs rightsdown b2 stairs rights up b3 tp rights up, tp left down, stairs rights down b4 stairs rights up b6 stairs left up b7 stairs rights up b8 stairs left up b9 stairs left down b10 stairs rights up b9 tp rights mid b10 stairs rights down b11 tp left up b12 tp rights up b13 stairs mid down b14 stairs mid up b15 stairs rights down b16 stairs rights up b17 tp mid b18 stairs rights down b19 tp left down b20 tp mid rights b21 stairs rights up b23 stairs left down b22 tp rights up b24 stairs rights down b25 stairs mid b26 stairs rights up (talk with dude) b27 stairs left down b28 stairs rights up b24 tp mid > b1 tp left down > b29 b29 (buy litwick 200k) stairs mid b30 be member get free pass (find rare pokemon) enjoy!!
b1 stairs rightsdown b2 stairs rights up b3 tp rights up, tp left down, stairs rights down b4 stairs rights up b6 stairs left up b7 stairs rights up b8 stairs left up b9 stairs left down b10 stairs rights up b9 tp rights mid b10 stairs rights down b11 tp left up b12 tp rights up b13 stairs mid down b14 stairs mid up b15 stairs rights down b16 stairs rights up b17 tp mid b18 stairs rights down b19 tp left down b20 tp mid rights b21 stairs rights up b23 stairs left down b22 tp left up > b12 tp mid up > b9 tp rights down > b13 tp rights up >b24 b24 stairs rights down b25 stairs mid b26 stairs rights up (talk with dude) b27 stairs left down b28 stairs rights up b24 tp mid > b1 tp left down > b29 b29 (buy litwick 200k) stairs mid b30 be member get free pass (find rare pokemon) enjoy!!
My bad, just read the title again "starting" XD Damn we really need an edit post feature devs. I think they removed it. i wouldn't mind going through the entire game, but i simply don't have the time. I haven't even beaten E4 yet XD
Its an early grass pokemon wich also gets sleep powder and basicly a good versus the first 2 gyms, trainers and caves. quote="Mewse"]pikachu can be found near the start so it would make more sense to take one of usual 3 starters and catch pikachu. picking Pikachu as a starter unlocks special storyline
Hi everyone, In this guide I will show you my way of starting this game. It will cover certain Pokemon that are a great help along the road and items to pickup. my starter will be Pikachu in this guide because of the extra story line. I will also be talking about where to get HMs or other required items. feel free to make any suggestions/criticism/questions. I will be playing as the bald dude incase screenshots might not be clear Certain aspects of the game might be changed upon release. ill try to update this as soon as possible if that happens. Start Once you login into the game you will start in a somewhat unknown area to us. Simply go south, cross the bridge, go down the stairs and further south and talk to Prof. Oak under the waterfall. In the house is just a crazy cat lady, nothing special YET. continue going south and you'll see a mew and walk into red and lance battling. quick talk and the game can begin. for those who don't want to spend a lot of time talking ESC-->Options-->Game set to dialogue speed to the highest. Pallet Town First thing you should notice is the pokeballs and the book in your room. you can't pick anything up though... talking to anyone in Pallet Town at this point does't benefit you in anyway. Simply rush to Prof. Oak and talk to him. you should notice 3 pokeballs on the table and the one at the top Before you can choose Pikachu you have to decline the first 3. Once you got your Pokemon of choice talk to Prof. Oak again to get your pokedex. If you talk to his aide he will tell you to come back later for something. Once you walk outside to you will automatically walk towards your house and talk to your mom. now go upstairs and pick up those juicy items. DO NOT PLAY ON THE GAMECUBE, IT'S A TRAP Because you have your pokedex now you can register Pokemon as seen if you talk to them. Try it out on Mr. Mime downstairs. Your mom can heal your Pokemon from this point. Talk to the Eevee in town and Jackson will come to shove you away. talk to Jackson to fight him. your starter has an oran berry so you should be fine. Don't forget to heal at your mom again before leaving pallet town. The road to Pewter City hooded mustache man gives you a potion . Pick those berries and catch a pidgey with atleast 15 IVs in attack and speed so you can get an Oddish. for those who wonder what IVs are. The orange numbers are the IVs and the blue numbers the EVs. I'm not going to explain in this topic how they work. Just before the exit you should see Youngster Bill. he has a lvl 3 Ratata and a lvl 5 Bulbasaur, you probably won't be able to defeat him without other Pokemon or potions/berries. Once you enter Viridian City on the east is Madeline. she will give you the lvl 5 Oddish if you show her a Pidget with atleast 15 IVs in speed and attack (about 1/4 Pidgeys) Those who chose Pikachu as a starter might have some trouble here. you can also catch a Rattata first so can actually make the Pidgey low hp. Go all the way to the west, south past Gentleman Matheus and back to the east to get a Rare Candy. I suggest visiting the pokecenter and pokemart and getting some pokeballs and potions. You can also find a pokeball if you go to the west exit and up north to the small path once you have trained a little and got your oddish head to the school. go downstairs and face Jackson, he has a lvl 8 Eevee wich is pretty strong. I suggest training a bit in the area west of Vermillion city. I suggest using oddish as your last pokemon and let him get all the exp. If you win you can go further north and continue. If you lose you need to go back to Pallet Town and talk to his mom, then head back to the school and talk again. once you head into Viridan Forest you should go north west and find a certain npc who lost his Pidgey. If you help him defeat the Rocket Grunt inside the maze he will reward you with 15 pokeballs. The Rocket Grunt has a lvl 6 Rattata. You should try to let Oddish take all the exp. You can also clear the Viridan Maze to get a Horsea/Growlithe/Bellsprout and the TM Dragon Rage. Don't forget to get back to the NPC for the 15 pokeballs. Continue through Viridan Forest. You will probably need a couple of potions and berries to stay alive. Oddish is weak against all these bug Pokemon so i would advise using Pidgey/Pikachu. Viridan forest is also the place you can catch a wild Pickachu. Camper Christina has a lvl 9 Weedle you might want to be careful with this one. Once you exit Viridan Forest Youngster Shane has a lvl 10 Charmander and a lvl 10 Butterfree. Go to the pokecenter first!. If you lose to him without going to the pokecenter you will be send back to Viridian City. In Pewter City is an Ether in the nort-west corner. Don't forget to get some new potion and make your Pokemon hold an Oran Berry before entering the gym. In this playthrough i lost the battle to Jackson, did not clear the maze and gave very little XP to my oddish. My party is actually pretty weak. You prefer a lvl 10 Oddish. he would solo the first trainer and get high enough level to clear Brock. It is of great importance you give those early trainer exp to Oddish. once your Oddish is level 10 defeat the first trainer in the gym, go heal and defeat Brock. Congratulations you just got your first Gym badge! This is where part I of my guide ends. going to wait for a little more feedback before making new parts and would like to hear all opinions, even the negative ones.
thanks for the fast answer! just wanted to cover my bases before i screw up XD ill try to finish the guide by next weekend
As some may have notices i created a map of the maze at start, and some dude posted like a 100 times better one. but that map was actually leaked and he should not have access to it. so basically the maze is getting changed because of that map. I was currently wondering if I am allowed to write a guide which basically guides you from start till lt. Surge. but i don't want my guide to use stuff i am not allowed to use, or for you guys to have to rework something. This guide i want to make would include screenshots of any important NPCs/items that could be found, maybe even short videos. What are my limits in terms of screenshots and vids ,or would you even prefer if no such guide exists in the first place?
There's an NPC that trades an oddish for your pidgey? 0.o no, there's an NPC that GIVES you an oddish if you show her a pidgey with atleast 15 IVs in speed and attack
for those who do not pick bulba, you can get oddish pretty early if you catch a pidgey. if the IVs arent too bad a lvl 9 oddish can solo brock and end up lvl 16~~. should blast through misty fairly easy as well.
if the maze gets reworked and i make a map in google spreadsheet, will it also be reworked? or was it just the map from the other guy that made you guys change it?
how did you make that map?
and i feel useless again xD
well the map is kinda a big rectange the stretches to the far right, on the left the blue box is basicly spawn, the white blocks are the roads you are able to walk. the lost pokemon and dragon rage and on the far right. not sure what else you dont understand