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Everything posted by Hamidan

  1. Hamidan


    hi pro I have a suggestion : add in shop : hat + flash Use it in dark places, without having to carry Pokemon have move flash :Light: hat flashlight :Light: :thanks:
  2. You're not alone me too https://prnt.sc/e0i8gh https://prnt.sc/e0i90v :Frown: :Frown: now https://prnt.sc/e4ftxq :Frown:
  3. Hamidan


    why the closing game ? https://prnt.sc/e0i8gh https://prnt.sc/e0i90v :Frown:
  4. Hamidan


    help me plz where i can find Latios? i need battle add data in dex
  5. good team :y: i'm bad speak english My name : hamidan I'm from saudi arabia :thanks:
  6. hi player I hope that everyone involved with us Just write what I discovered from Pokemon MS , name poke :---- Place : ----- Time :----- Example name poke : Durant Place : National Park Time : all times Wait Posts :Grin:
  7. ok , thanks man :thanks:
  8. help me,, please i buy 3 rare candy = 20 sc I did not get rare candy ,, It has been paid 20 SC https://prntscr.com/bs1bj5
  9. thanks u i get Mew :thanks:
  10. You get one for free by talking to the scientist at the Cinnabar Island Lab. Cinnabar Island Lab Tell me The collectional metrics of many trainers intrigue me, and thus i oftentimes ask passersby to see their pokedex data in order to plug it into my database 410 caught-data entries and 511 seen-data entries are registered in your pokedex Let me Know when your pokedex is progressively updated, so i can re-examine it in my metrical database!
  11. hi Where can I find Porygon? i have all poke kanto (miss one) Porygon https://prnt.sc/bmomq2 :thanks:
  12. Re: Mistake <r><QUOTE author="Nereus"><s> </e></QUOTE> Please make your own topic regarding your issue and do not hijack other peoples topics.<e> </e></QUOTE> I do not know how to put a new topic <E>:Frown:</E> sorry man</r>
  13. Re: Mistake <r><QUOTE author="riccatt"><s> </e></QUOTE> Don't hijack other players' posts. <br/> Super rod allows to find rarer and stronger pokemon than the good rod.<e> </e></QUOTE> thanks man <E>:y:</E></r>
  14. hi, What is the difference between super Rod vs Good Rod ? :Question:
  15. i find Shroomish Route 22 and Kelpsy & Qualot Berries
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