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About Zhangalex

  • Birthday 01/23/1996

Personal Information

  • Career
    medical science and pool technician at clark rubber
  • IGN
  • Occupation
    medical science and pool technician at clark rubbe

Zhangalex's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. IGN: zhangalex I need this mouse because my current mouse is a microsoft ball mouse... I broke my deathadder a few months back :(
  2. i.imgur.com/gc9uIKj.jpg xD you guys tell me!
  3. Re: EPIC 20+ ALL IVS POKE SHOP <t>wobbuffet 150k?</t>
  4. yeah i know thats for your opinion man haha i would of done that with magmo a long time ago, but i love the magmo and electirive combo xDDDDD so cool much swag
  5. it's not really really important, but think about how much time you could save xD it only takes a tiny bit of time to code as well :D
  6. thanks for your help, I do have a ada low level shiftry that I will be training right now what do you mean by a reliable fast sweeper? i was already mid leveling a lickilicky with moves icebeam, (a grass move I forgot with high power) earthquake and toxic :)
  7. I would like to suggest adding a search bar to search for your pokemon in your PC. Not only myself, but other people I am sure of it would find this extremely useful, especially if you are like me with a large amount of pokemon in the PC trying to do a dex service and finding each pokemon individually :')
  8. Hi there guys, so I've spent the last 2 days trying to compile an alright team that revolves around electivire and magmortar Current team atm: Flygon - Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Solarbeam, Earthquake Magmortar - Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Earthquake, Psychic Electivire - Psychic, Earthquake, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower Forretress - TBA I'm trying to see if there's 2 more pokemon I could fit into here, could someone help me thanks :)
  9. oh 6 days my bad, didnt read the 2nd one then, thanks guys you can close the topic now.
  10. i did see it extended for another 3 days, but that was literally weeks back lol
  11. Since the frequent disconnects, server instabilities and amount of testing that's been done on the servers, shouldn't players be compensated by an addition of length to their existing membership length?
  12. IGN: zhangalex Which pokemon /anime character you want: shiny gyarados What text do you want to be written: "pay up" Animation: whatever you feel fits best :)
  13. so where do i go for the hoenn fossils?
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