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Everything posted by Pacer

  1. In Game Name: Pacer Country: USA I've been playing off and on for a while on Blue Server. Played on Red server until the final wipe, then a little more, then switched to Blue server. I'd love to get the Switch, as it is the first gaming system that my wife said she would be interested in trying... I'm so excited, she'll finally play with me (I'll get her hooked on PRO :Grin: ). Being a Ph.D. student with a young family we won't be able to get one on our own though :D: . Thank You Very Much! :thanks: Pacer
  2. Pacer

    Rare Hunters

    After writing my introduction, I decided to check out what else was on the forums, and sure enough I found a guild that fit my exact play style! (I would urge you to read my player introduction) I am a Pokemon fanatic (just ask my wife), and I am loving PRO. I have also played other Pokemon MMORPG and am dying for this one to come live. I have the patience it takes to make a difference for myself and others. I am a team player who loves to work as a mentor (I am a teacher for remedial math courses at a local college). I love to see the team succeed and really like to play the in-game economy through patient rare-hunting (again, see my introduction). Looking to climb towards the top as a team (and have fun while doing it!) Thanks for the consideration, Pacer
  3. Sup all! The name is Pacer, I'll be a quiet force for good in the game. I have played a number of pokemon mmorpg games and tend to rise silently through the ranks. I have the patience it takes to get the rare ones and to maximize iv catching and ev training. All it takes to be rich in the game is patience, smart spending and a hint of luck, oh yeah, and a lot of pacing back and forth looking for the rare poke! - Pacer
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