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Everything posted by Kimastar

  1. Hi! Why dont u add option to trade if u started new region??? Im started sinnoh yesterday and lost so many pokemon because i didnt finished yet sinnoh.... My suggestion is: add option to trade but lock pokemon u buyed till u finish the region...because right now sucks ty. What u think guys??? this sound fair suggestion!!!
  2. Appena sei in game chiamami che ti addo :Grin:
  3. Appena sei on contattami che ti faccio joinare in gilda :Cool:
  4. Riapriamo ufficialmente il reclutamento quindi per tutti coloro che sono interessati ad entrare in gilda non esitassero a contattarci :thanks:
  5. Hi!!! Idk why but my thread in guild requirment was close and idk why....i didnt break rules....pls can u unlock it again? here is my thread -------> https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=32586&p=219299&hilit=team+rocket+italy#p219299
  6. Hi!!! idk if is bug but i cannot enter anymore in love island...here is the screenshot bye!!!
  7. PRO Username: Kimastar Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message Hi!!! Idk if that is the correct place to ask my question....anyway... Like the title said is some days i cant find any togepi/ralts inside Love Island (Yes i know ralts spawn only day) Today im visit love island 3 time and farmed for over 1 hr every time and nothing....and i have that problem since 7 days ago.... When i was farming inside love island im talked with other player that agreed with me so its not only me!!! Its trange because some time ago im farmed good this 2 pokemon so i want ask to other ppl if have my same issue? And this question is for the admin did u decrease chance of % to catch that 2 pokemon? Im sry if my english sucks but is not my main languages :Angel:
  8. si lo avevo scritto sotto anke che era stato preso da terze parti
  9. Yes confirm it work perfectly....u dont see the description due to a visive bug or something like that!! - A Quick Claw is an item that raises the speed of a Pokémon and gives it a 20% chance to attack first if its speed is lower than that of its opponent. It is not affected by Trick Room.
  10. With the membership yes!
  11. wow....is really easy to make some money in that game.....the best way is selling some poke in trade tab or fight with wild pokemon or npc...or buy the MS that give to u double ammount og money per fight!
  12. Wow!!! Strange u didnt find any electabuzz after 3 days?....usualy it take around 2/4 hr max for find it one....maybe u are just unlucky >,<
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