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  1. less than 24 hr's left, Thanks for the bids, Hopefully whoever gets the paras will catch many more shiny's with it!! :Grin:
  2. 48 hr's left thanks for the bids
  3. make an offer :Grin:
  4. REPLY OFFERS PLEASE Shiny GOLEM: lvl42 Ability: Rock Head Nature: Relaxed = +DEF -SPD Skills:[Double Edge] [Explosion] [Earthquake] [stone Edge] Orange Stats: ATK: 16 DEF: 02 SPD: 21 SPATK: 06 SPDEF: 10 HP: 16 Shiny Paras: lvl25 (PERFECT FOR CATCHING POKEMON) Ability: Damp (Hidden-Ability) Nature: Adamant= +ATK -SPATK Skills: [spore] [False Swipe] [Leech Life] [stun Spore] Orange Stats: ATK: 30 DEF: 09 SPD: 23 SPATK: 05 SPDEF: 25 HP: 13
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