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  1. Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] Recruiting! <t>1. What is your IGN?<br/> psychoticbovine<br/> 2. Why do you want to join?<br/> I've been a bit bored playing solo and I'd love to be able to contribute to a guild by capturing as many Pokemon as possible. I'm just about to head to the second Johto gym so I'm trying to get a steady supply of newer Pokemon while going through Johto.<br/> 3. What is your favourite Pokemon?<br/> A close three-way tie between Milotic, Nidoking, and Swampert.<br/> 4. Do you use Discord?<br/> I can, but I have no microphone.</t>
  2. IGN: Psychoticbovine Playtime: 86 hours, 22 minutes Activity level: Varied and unpredictable, anywhere from 7 days a week to one hour on a random Tuesday. Badges: 7 Kanto, just beat the Elite Four and I'm now grinding levels for the first Johto gym. Favorite Pokemon: Close tie between Swampert (My chosen starter back when I first played Sapphire), Milotic (Statistically considered the strongest Water-type Pokemon), and Nidoking (The first Pokemon toy I had as a child). Preferred activities in PRO: For the time being, I'm just trying to finish up all of the gyms in the game, but once I've finished Johto and Hoenn I'd love to be able to find a guild that I can catch Pokemon for. I want to be able to capture tons of Pokemon, give the best ones to my guild, and maybe sell a few to traders for more Pokedollars. That way I can still buy more Pokeballs to capture more Pokemon with. Other than that, I don't really consider myself 'competitive'. Veteran or beginner: I suppose that's complicated. Besides the fact that I have 86 hours of playtime, I still consider myself a bit of a novice. Granted, most of the time I'm set back minutes or hours by server crashes and rollbacks, but I do tend to take a lot of time between Gyms. PRO is definitely far more difficult than most of the "official" Pokemon games, but I find it's more than worth the teeth-grinding, hair-pulling frustration for the social aspect. Being able to talk, trade, and battle with other players around you on a minute's notice gives PRO a feel that any "real" Pokemon game can't achieve.
  3. Re: Volcan's shop [nice H.A. Talonflame / That shiny slowbro!] <t>I'm just now heading into Johto, would I be able to snag the shiny Wooper for 70k?</t>
  4. Been looking for a Ducklet for some time. I'm not at all picky, nature/ability/etc. don't really matter and I'm willing to haggle.
  5. Re: Volcan's shop [updated - epic scizor + prank sableye!!] <t>The servers went down just as I was about to get my 4th Badge, but I'm interested in the shiny Wooper. Is there any chance I could place a hold on it just until I can get back on and finish the 4th Gym? I'd be happy to drop 80k for it.</t>
  6. So after about four days leveling non-stop, managed to get all my Pokemon to at least 40, and also leveled a Gyarados. Managed to take down the Rhydon and half the health of the Onix with the Gyarados, finished it off with Blastoise, knocked off a bit of health on the Persian, poisoned it with my Vileplume, then, having tought my Pikachu Seismic Toss, proceeded to suplex his stupid cat. His Nidoking made my Pikachu faint, but paralyzed itself, and I chipped his health down with Raticate's sucker punch, then took it down with my Sandslash's dig. Thanks for all the tips, I appreciate the help!
  7. Alright, so after leveling for a solid three hours, this is my current team: Sandslash 39 Vileplume 34 Raticate 34 Pikachu 36 Wartortle 36 Noctowl 35 I defeated every trainer in the Rocket Base, went out into Route 7 and just murdered everything for three hours, and this is what I've got, but I still get sweeped by Giovanni. I barely managed to kill the Persian, used a revive to bring back my Sandslash, and his Nidoking managed to do more damage to itself while confused than I was. Am I still missing something? Like, is there somewhere else I can grind out levels? Because Route 7 only has level 17-20 Pokemon and they're just not giving me enough XP anymore.
  8. Yes, I am dumb because I didn't know that levels represented by ?? translate to levels above 40. I'll keep that in mind next time. Granted, do you mean at the Rocket Base, or the Viridian Gym? Because I'm still at the Rocket Base.
  9. My only concern is with three badges, if I level my Sandslash to 40, will he not obey my commands? Also, will leveling up only a few levels even matter?
  10. PRO Username: Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? How am I meant to beat Giovanni in the Rocket Base below Celadon City? His Persian can just DECIDE he doesn't want to be paralyzed anymore. His Onix always manages to kill my Sandslash, even when his Dig does massive damage to the Onix. I'm just really not sure what I'm missing or doing wrong here, so I'll post my team below. Wartortle: 31 Pikachu: 35 Sandslash: 39 Gloom: 31 Ratticate: 31 Noctowl: 34 Giovanni reminded me of my dead grandfather. It's a long story, I just want to wipe the floor with his smug face so that I can get into the Celadon Gym. Like, I'm only there because his Rocket dweebs are blocking the path. I mean he could just move them out of the way, but NOOOOO. What have you already tried to solve the problem? I've tried grinding out levels for a couple of hours, and it just does nothing. Description and Message
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