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About Pkmntrainermara

  • Birthday 07/16/1991

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  • Career
    Pokemon trainer from the first generation when I was a kid in single figures!!
  • Occupation
    Pokemon trainer from the first generation when I w

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  1. You are NEVER too old for Pokemon! :Shocked: I've been a huge fan since I was 5/6 and I'll die a fan! I know a woman in her 60's who plays Pokemon and I've heard of other older men and women playing it with their adult kids!
  2. I'm 24 :) My husband is 36!
  3. Thank you :) :Heart:
  4. I can't connect to server at all :( I want my PRO fix lol :Crazy:
  5. Thank you :Heart:
  6. My husband has yet to receive his email verification although I got mine super-fast. Is there a problem with the verification process? Please help. Thank you :Heart:
  7. Great to see someone older than me here even if just by a year. I'm 24 :Cool: I'm in-game as often as the server allows me. I'm PKMNTrainerMara! Contact me anytime and have a good day/night :Sing:
  8. Hey! I've been into everything Pokemon since it first came out. My first game was Pokemon Blue as I remember. My fave thing to do in Pokemon is to explore the world and raise young Pokemon. I'm not much into catching or trading for higher level Pokemon, I prefer raising and nurturing my own. :Heart:
  9. Hi! :Grin: How are you enjoying the game so far Marvin? I'm loving it! :Heart:
  10. Glad you're loving it, me too! I just found it a few days ago mentioned in a comment on youtube lol :Cool:
  11. Hello! :Grin: I just came across this game quite by accident a couple days ago on a youtube vid and I have to say I am totally amazed at the beauty and the dynamics of the game! :Heart: I've been a fan of everything pokemon since the very first showing of the tv series..That was years ago and I'm 24 now! I must say I will certainly be donating to this fantastic little game and I've also introduced my husband to the game too. Now we can really compete to see who's the best Pokemon trainer ha ha! :Cool:
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