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Everything posted by Binks420

  1. help me plzz I did some research and I can't find where the game pokemon revoulution online comes from. because I would like to know the right time to catch the legendary galar in Canada thank you i want catch in august 29 If you caught all three Pokemon yourself you will get a chance to catch either Zacian or Zamazenta. You have only two chances to enter their territory. August 29, from 8 AM to 9 AM or August 31, from 8 PM to 9 PM.
  2. tanks you you put sun in my day
  3. i accidentally deleted my pokemon i had a larvesta and i caught one in the bug contest and its mix it up at the end and i deleted the wrong one please help me its my price many hours find it thanks
  4. The game lag when i catch diglette shiny.. i take a picture when the game lag :confused:
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