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Everything posted by Lightningmonkey

  1. Did it couple of times seems something went wrong with it...Dont know the exact solution.Did it anyways thank you!
  2. Checked everything and it seems I can Log into gold server that means account exists but still cant log into Silver server
  3. Checked Everything I even changed password and it seems whenever I am trying to log into a merged server seems password or name is invalid
  4. So I had an account around 2 years ago with many hours in it and I had put money in there but it seems I can't Login even after merging...what's wrong anyone can help?
  5. When it becomes a Gliscor it gains Poison heal...which means poison heals u instead of damaging u...
  6. [glow=red]start bid 150k[/glow]
  7. Pm me insta price...500k i offer
  8. 250k for that
  9. [glow=red]Starting bid 250k[/glow] [glow=red]I apologise for the inconvinience but it is Extra rare[/glow]
  10. it ends today i will pm the buyer
  11. [glow=red]Forgot to mention these 1st two moves are now Toxic and Acupressure[/glow]
  12. [glow=red]starting bid 500k[/glow]
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