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About Dawnofsouls

  • Birthday December 18

Dawnofsouls's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. In my opinion how about in game events? Like involving catching pokemon or fighting bosses for rewards for like a week or something and adding new pokemon for such an event.
  2. Dragonite has been sold thank you for offers
  3. c/o then is 1.2m instant changed too 1.5m 1.3m ^_^ ty c/o is now 1.3m tomorrow is the last day highest bidder gets it
  4. c/o then is 1.2m instant changed too 1.5m
  5. ty c/o is 1.3m 2 days till closing
  6. Thank you c/o 950k instant is 2m
  7. Still have loading screen problems while my friend told me he got in D: blue server
  8. ty new c/o 300k instant is set at 700k or 2 ms
  9. ty new c/o 300k instant is set at 700k or 2 ms
  10. 200k c/o might go on for a while looking for more offers
  11. Magnezone Sold all thats left now is Roserade
  12. Sorry thats kinda low of an offer for that
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