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  1. Re: Ppouz Shop **Epic Scizor Auction insta added** <t>200k offer for talonflame (the trained one)</t>
  2. i am interested for the larvitar. pm me ingame
  3. Re: The Reborn guild, Official Pokemon shop! <r><QUOTE author="deathstv"><s> </e></QUOTE> still waiting for a responce on my offer <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  4. Re: The Reborn guild, Official Pokemon shop! <t>i would like to trade a MS for the Johto's froslass. when server is back online ofc.<br/> <br/> tnx</t>
  5. Re: Teddy The Trickster (New Pokes + Sales) <t>i would like to insta buy nidoking! add me ingame IGN: deathstv<br/> ty</t>
  6. Re: The Reborn guild, Official Pokemon shop! <t>i am interested for magmotar for 2 ms. ty<br/> <br/> IGN: deathstv</t>
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