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Everything posted by Itorkell

  1. I was catching zapdos and the server just crashed, is there a way for me to have a second chance? :(
  2. I was getting Jirachi and the server just got down and i miss the chance.... what can i do to catch him?
  3. Re: Chronos ( Red Server ) <t>1. I'm Luke thats it kind like i'm grooot lol.<br/> 2. Nickname: itorkell (Red Server).<br/> 3. 1009hr omg i need a life lul. Got them all (Badges).<br/> 4. I'm 20 Brazilian HueHueHue kidding.<br/> 5. I need like really i really need a Arcanine Shiny *--* .<br/> 6. Don't know why... as Shia LaBeouf says: DO IT! Just Do it.<br/> 7. Yep, Daenerys told me to come here :v.<br/> 8. Arcanine its so cuuuuute and perfect i just can't resist.<br/> 9. Yep .<br/> 10. Yep.</t>
  4. I just fought Arnie and i got to lugia... i lost but he didn't appear on my pokedex :v :Angry:
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