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  1. I lost 4 Master Balls and 30 rare candies. I think it is after i exited the Heatran quest yesterday. Can I get them back?
  2. Mega Blaziken Round 1 Schroomish - Ember Stunky - Growl until it reaches max attack decrease then ember Bergmite - 2x reversal then ember frillish - growl until it give you the maximum health it can give you then peck yanma - ember kabuto - reversal *Raise Attack *Learn Substitute and Forget Growl Round 2 wingull - substitute and then peck until it dies surkit - peck joltik - ember ralts - ember growlithe - reversal honedge - ember *Raise Attack *Learn Double Kick and Forget Peck Round 3 carvanha - substitude then double kick kecleon - double kick then ember aron - double kick delibird - ember pineco - ember tyrogua - double kick *Raise Attack *Learn Rock Tomb and Forget Ember Round 4 Grumpig - substitute and then rock tomb (be sure that you will left with the own tempo ability after you kill it) machop - double kick (be sure you will end with substitute) ledian - rock tomb cofagrigus - rock tomb lampent - rock tomb seviper - rock tomb *Raise Speed *Learn Blaze Kick and Forget Rock Tomb Round 5 shuckle - substitute and then blaze kick aromatisse - blaze kick, leave him to attack with trick room 2 times mamoswine - double kick blastoice - double kick tyrant - double kick malamar - blaze kick *Raise Speed *Learn Earthquake and Forget Double Kick Round 6 swellow - substitute then blaze kick liepard - substitute then reversal slaking - substitute then substitute then reversal then substitude then reversal (you must end with substitute) archeops - reversal marowak - reversal chandelure - earthquake (needs extreme luck or your torchic to have attack iv above 24) *Raise Speed *Reset EV full HP and full Attack *Learn Flare Blitz and Forget Blaze Kick Round 7 spiritomb - mega evolve and then flare blitz -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mega Swampert Round 1 mareep - water gun pancham - water gun elgyem - curse until max then tackle roggenrola - water gun sableye - water gun chikorita - takle *Raise Attack *Learn Rock Throw and Forget Growl Round 2 lileep - curse until max and then rock throw krabby - rock throw diglet - tackle drifloon - rock throw woobat - rock throw flabebe - curse until you are left without pp and then tackle *Raise Attack *Learn Low Kick and Forget Tackle Round 3 gurdurr - low kick pignite - low kick frillish - 4x curse then rock throw diggersby - low kick durant - low kick voltorb - rock throw *Raise Attack *Learn Waterfall and Forget Water Gun Round 4 Yamask - curse Sliggoo - curse until you left with 2 pp and then low kick Weezing - Waterfall vanillish - rock throw azumarill - waterfall quagsire - waterfall Round 5 ...
  3. Useful Tip: To find what you want easily press CTRL+F. This will open the browser's search tool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gym TMs 1) Kanto Badge Location TM Price Verification Date 1 Pewter City TM156 - Smack Down 1 for $1,000 (recent win) 1 for $2,000 (regular) 5 for $8,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 2 Cerulean City TM128 - Water Pulse 1 for $1,750 (recent win) 1 for $3,500 (regular) 5 for $14,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 3 Vermilion City TM078 - Charge Beam 1 for $2,500 (recent win) 1 for $5,000 (regular) 5 for $20,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 4 Celadon City TM101 - Giga Drain 1 for $4,000 (recent win) 1 for $8,000 (regular) 5 for $32,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 5 Fuchsia City TM006 - Toxic 1 for $2,500 (recent win) 1 for $5,000 (regular) 5 for $20,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 6 Saffron City TM029 - Psychic 1 for $4,500 (recent win) 1 for $9,000 (regular) 5 for $36,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 7 Cinnabar Island TM038 - Fire Blast 1 for $6,000 (recent win) 1 for $12,000 (regular) 5 for $48,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 8 Viridian City TM026 - Earthquake 1 for $4,500 (recent win) 1 for $9,000 (regular) 5 for $36,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 2) Johto Badge Location TM Price Verification Date 1 Violet City TM094 - Aerial Ace 1 for $1500 (recent win) 1 for $3,000 (regular) 5 for $12,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 2 Azalea City TM139 - U-Turn 1 for $3,000 (recent win) 1 for $6,000 (regular) 5 for $24,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 3 Goldenrod City TM059 - Echoed Voice 1 for $1,750 (recent win) 1 for $3,500 (regular) 5 for $14,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 4 Ecruteak City TM115 - Shadow Claw 1 for $3,500 (recent win) 1 for $7,000 (regular) 5 for $28,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 5 Cianwood City TM063 - Dynamic Punch 1 for $6,000 (recent win) 1 for $12,000 (regular) 5 for $48,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 6 Olivine City TM107 - Iron Tail 1 for $4,000 (recent win) 1 for $8,000 (regular) 5 for $32,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 7 Mahogany Town TM090 - Avalanche 1 for $3,500 (recent win) 1 for $7,000 (regular) 5 for $28,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 8 Blackthorn City TM071 - Dragon Pulse 1 for $4,250 (recent win) 1 for $8,500 (regular) 5 for $34,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 3) Hoenn Badge Location TM Price Verification Date 1 Rustboro City TM089 - Rock Tomb 1 for $1,500 (recent win) 1 for $3,000 (regular) 5 for $12,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 2 Dewford Town TM058 - Bulk Up 1 for $1,500 (recent win) 1 for $3,000 (regular) 5 for $12,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 3 Mauville City TM134 - Shock Wave 1 for $1,750 (recent win) 1 for $3,500 (regular) 5 for $14,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 4 Lavaridge Town TM100 - Overheat 1 for $7,500 (recent win) 1 for $15,000 (regular) 5 for $60,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 5 Petalburg City TM092 - Facade 1 for $3,000 (recent win) 1 for $6,000 (regular) 5 for $24,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 6 Fortree City TM069 - Roost 1 for $4,500 (recent win) 1 for $9,000 (regular) 5 for $36,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 7 Mossdeep City TM054 - Calm Mind 1 for $3,000 (recent win) 1 for $6,000 (regular) 5 for $24,000 (special offer) 26/12/2022 8 Sootopolis City TM105 - Scald 1 for $4,500 (recent win) 1 for $9,000 (regular) 5 for $36,000 (special offer) 24/12/2022 4) Sinnoh Badge Location TM Price Verification Date 1 Oreburgh City TM142 - Rock Polish 1 for $2,000 (recent win) 1 for $4,000 (regular) 07/06/2023 2 Eterna City TM151 - Grass Knot 1 for $3,500 (recent win) 1 for $7,000 (regular) 07/06/2023 3 Veilstone City TM064 - Drain Punch 1 for $4,000 (recent win) 1 for $8,000 (regular) 07/06/2023 4 Pastoria City TM088 - Brine 1 for $2,000 (recent win) 1 for $4,000 (regular) 07/06/2023 5 Hearthome City TM080 -Shadow Ball 1 for $4,500 (recent win) 1 for $9,000 (regular) 07/06/2023 6 Canalave City TM147 - Flash Cannon 1 for $4,500 (recent win) 1 for $9,000 (regular) 07/06/2023 7 Snowpoint City TM014 - Blizzard 1 for $6,000 (recent win) 1 for $12,000 (regular) 07/06/2023 8 Sunyshore City TM157 - Wild Charge 1 for $6,000 (recent win) 1 for $12,000 (regular) 07/06/2023 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Relearner: Saffron City (Kanto): $2,000 (Verification Date: 15/05/2024) Slateport City (Hoenn) : $2,000 (Verification Date: 09/03/2024) Snowpoint City (Sinnoh) Hearthome City (Sinnoh) : $2,000 (Verification Date: 07/06/2023) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slateport City - Shop (Old Man) (Verification Date: 09/03/2024) TM Price TM028 - Dig $3,500 TM060 - Hidden Power $6,500 TM114 - Rock Smash $3,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TM007 - Horn Drill - Unverified ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celadon Mart 3 - TM Seller (Old Man) (Verification Date: 17/01/2023) TM Price TM028 - Dig $3,500 TM114 - Rock Smash $3,500 TM102 - Headbutt $4,500 TM104 - False Swipe $4,000 TM045 - Thunder Wave $2,000 TM044 - Rest $8,000 TM138 - Sleep Talk $7,000 TM033 - Reflect $4,000 TM066 - Light Screen $4,000 TM067 - Protect $6,000 TM085 - Flamethrower $9,000 TM024 - Thunderbolt $9,000 TM013 - Ice Beam $9,000 TM015 - Hyper Beam $15,000 TM022 - Solarbeam $15,000 TM146 - Giga Impact $15,000 Celadon Mart 3 - TM Seller (Young Man) (Verification Date: 17/01/2023) TM Price TM042 - Dream Eater $6,000 TM052 - Dragon Claw $7,000 TM055 - Roar $4,000 TM118 - Safeguard $4,000 TM048 - Rock Slide $8,000 TM145 - Focus Blast $12,000 Celadon Mart 6 - TM Seller (Thief) (Verification Date: 15/05/2024) TM096 - Thief ($7,500) *Available only after finishing his Quest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lilycove Department Store 3F - TM Seller (Old Man) (Verification Date: 07/06/2023) TM Price TM013 - Ice Beam $9,000 TM015 - Hyper Beam $15,000 TM022 - Solarbeam $15,000 TM024 - Thunderbolt $9,000 TM028 - Dig $3,500 TM033 - Reflect $4,000 TM044 - Rest $8,000 TM045 - Thunder Wave $2,000 TM066 - Light Screen $4,000 TM067 - Protect $6,000 TM085 - Flamethrower $9,000 TM102 - Headbutt $4,500 TM104 - False Swipe $4,000 TM114 - Rock Smash $3,500 TM118 - Safeguard $4,000 TM138 - Sleep Talk $7,000 TM146 - Giga Impact $15,000 Lilycove Department Store 3F - TM Seller (Young Woman) (Verification Date: 07/06/2023) TM Price TM052 - Dragon Claw $7,000 TM057 - Hail $4,500 TM061 - Sunny Day $4,500 TM068 - Rain Dance $4,500 TM081 - Brick Break $6,500 TM087 - Sandstorm $4,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TM Vendor (Funchia City - Kanto)(Verification Date: 17/01/2023) TM Price TM001 - Mega Punch $6,000 TM002 - Razor Wind $3,500 TM004 - Whirlwind $4,000 TM005 - Mega Kick $6,000 TM008 - Body Slam $6,500 TM009 - Take-Down $6,500 TM011 - Bubblebeam $3,000 TM016 - Pay Day $1,500 TM017 - Submission $6,500 TM021 - Mega Drain $3,000 TM023 - Dragon-Rage $2,000 TM027 - Fissure $15,000 TM034 - Bide $1,000 TM037 - Egg Bomb $6,500 TM039 - Swift $3,000 TM040 - Skull-Bash $6,000 TM041 - Softboiled $5,000 TM046 - Psywave $3,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TM Vendor Kevin (Trainers Valley - via Train Station (Saffron City (Kanto) or Goldenrod City (Johto))(Verification Date: 07/06/2023) TM Price TM050 - Substitute $9,000 TM067 - Protect $6,000 TM075 - Sword Dance $7,000 TM108 - Leech Life $8,000 TM122 - Volt Switch $6,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loot Resource Quantity Location Verification Date Revive (Medicine) 2 Route 104 (Hoenn) 26/12/2022 Star Piece (Misc Item) 1 Mt. Moon B1F (Kanto) 27/12/2022 - - - - Pokeball (Balls) 1 Viridian City (Kanto) 27/12/2022 - - - - Paralyze Heal (Medicine) 1 Mt. Moon 1F (Kanto) 27/12/2022 Potion (Medicine) 1 Mt. Moon 1F (Kanto) 27/12/2022 Escape Orb (Misc Item) 1 Mt. Moon 1F (Kanto) 27/12/2022 - - - - Vitamins: Resource Quantity Location Verification Date - - - - - - - - Calcium 1 Cinnabar Mansion 2 (Kanto) 27/12/2022 Iron 1 Route 12 (Kanto) 27/12/2022 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TMs: Resource Quantity Location Verification Date TM012 - Water Gun 1 Mt. Moon B1F (Kanto) 27/12/2022 TM046 - Psywave 1 Goldenrod Underground Path (Johto) 27/12/2022 TM061 - Sunny Day 1 Mt. Chimney (Hoenn) 26/12/2022 TM009 - Take-Down 1 Mt. Moon 1F (Kanto) 27/12/2022 TM148 - Trick Room 1 Eumi Island Theme Park 2 (Hoenn) 06/06/2023 TM019 - Seismic Toss 1 Route 25 (Kanto) 07/06/2023 TM087 - Sandstorm 1 Route 111 Desert (Hoenn) 07/06/2023 TM013 - Ice Beam 1 Abandoned Ship B1F Room 4 23/09/2024 TM068 - Rain Dance 1 Abandoned Ship B1F - Storage Unit 23/09/2024 Evolution Stones: Resource Quantity Location Verification Date Leaf Stone 1 Safari Zone Area 1 (Hoenn) 27/12/2022 Moon Stone 1 Mt. Moon 1F (Kanto) 27/12/2022 Thunder Stone 1 1 Power Plant (Kanto) New Mauville (Hoenn) 27/12/2022 26/12/2022 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rare Candies: Quantity Location Verification Date 1 Viridian City: Bottom side after the bridge (Kanto) 27/12/2022 1 Viridian Forest: Behind the tree next to the maze (Kanto) 27/12/2022 1 Route 12: 2 tiles down the Camper Justin's visible Pokeball. (Kanto) 27/12/2022 1 Route 16 (Kanto) 27/12/2022 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TM Location Method Price / Quantity Verification Date TM003 - Energy Ball Love Island House 3 (Accessible from Vermillion) TM Seller - $9,000 for 1 - $36,000 for 5 (special offer) 23/12/2022 TM086 - Sludge Bomb Dewford Town (Hoenn) TM Seller - $5,000 for 1 - $20,000 for 5 (special offer) 26/12/2022 TM076 - Dark Pulse Ecruteak City (Johto) TM Seller - $15,000 for 1 - $60,000 for 5 (special offer) 17/01/2023 TM144 - X-Scissor National Park (Johto) TM Seller - $8,000 for 1 - $32,000 for 5 (special offer) 06/06/2023 TM025 - Thunder Power Plant (Kanto) TM Seller - $12,000 for 1 - $48,000 for 5 (special offer) 07/06/2023 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event Tutors TM Target Location Price Verification Date Sludge Bomb Zoroark Eumi Island Theme Park 2 (Hoenn) $7,500 06/06/2023 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tutors: TM Location Price Verification Date Icy Wind Eumi Island Town (Hoenn) $15,000 06/06/2023 Wish Eumi Island Town (Hoenn) $15,000 06/06/2023 Stealth Rock Cliff Edge Gate - Cave in Cianwood City (Johto) $15,000 02/09/2023 Aqua Tail Abandoned Ship Exterior $7,000 23/09/2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eumi Island Theme Park 1 - TM Seller (Young Man) (Verification Date: 06/06/2023) TM Price TM030 - Teleport $5,000 TM032 - Double Team $8,000 TM036 - Self-Destruct $5,000 TM051 - Endure $5,000 TM065 - Dragonbreath $3,500 TM077 - Curse $5,000 TM167 - Power-Up Punch $7,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Route 36 Shop (Young Man) (Verification Date: 06/06/2023) TM Price TM028 - Dig $5,000 TM114 - Rock Smash $5,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Punch Tutor (Route 42) (Verification Date: 31/08/2024) Fire Punch Ice Punch Thunder Punch Price: $4,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *The Post will be Updated Frequently so bypass its Appearance!
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  4. I thought i saw someone teaching it in sinnoh but i might have been wrong. Blastoise. I teached him via an egg tutor.
  5. Where can i find the move tutor for mirror coat?
  6. The account I had in the red server has not moved to the gold server or the silver server and now I am forced to start from the beginning. Can someone solve this issue and move the account I have in the red server to the gold server?
  7. Is there a way to turn my shedinjan back to ninjada because I evolve it by mistake? I thought that my ninjada would evolve to ninjask and give me an extra shedidjan but I was wrong
  8. Where is the Valencia Island?
  9. Thnx Neroli :) but is it surely that area? because the area in the map shows National Park and the area I am searching shows Bug Catching Area and its actually separated in the 'search area' section on the up right of the screen.
  10. Where is the Bug Catching Area?
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