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About Organizationv

  • Birthday 03/08/1995

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  1. want the shiny tentacool 50 k and 50 k last pineco
  2. 50 k for the shiny tentacool.and 50 for the last pineco
  3. plz fix it i need to get pokes back to crazycat73 i cnat message i cant write if i click somewhere i cant close it and if trade battle and talk somewhere i stuck
  4. (I can cancel the offer cause im the owner and do whatever i want with my poke ). Im gonna trade it if u have the following pokemons epic Emolga timid h.a. Pachirichu bold h.a. Scizor tech adamant Milotic bold marvel scale Epic -decent blissey Thanks Insta price 3 million
  5. heyHere i start my shop with that pokes :D so all have fun and i hope to do well ! :D RUlES ( ALL OFFER WILL AUCTION FOR 2 DAYS IF I CAN I CANCEL ONE OFFER THE POKEMON IS MINE AND I DEPEND WHAT HES DESTINY ) b.o. offer me (when i see a good offer) insta 3 million b.o. 250 k insta 400 k b.o. 200 k b.o. 200 k b.o. 300 k B.o. 100 k Insta 250 k B.o. 750 k insta 1.5 million! insta 50 k [glow=red]Sold POKEMONS[/glow] WISH LIST: trade or buy a VOLCARONA or LARVESTA timid or bold with decent evs or epic ty <3 :D :thanks:
  6. well sorry for complain :(
  7. its a bit anoying i spend 3 hourls like nothing now cause 1000 queue and crashing at 200 always and do the start again and now i was in 500 and now again 1000 i try to say if someone need to be afk and close the game and he gonna log in after 30 min later he w8s 1:30 hour for this but my pc crashes okay but its anoying to w8 so much...
  8. the queque is every day 1000 and more and im wasting 1:30 hour of my life w8ting ! my pc is trash and close to easy i mean burn xd but if the queque was not so long i might not leave this post! cause of my pc crashing and i restarting and keeps me angry with queue is making me stop the game cause of this im not angry at pc i restart it and in 5 min is ok but if im in game another 4 hour i will spend
  9. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting] <t>Organizationv<br/> 258 hours<br/> I play every day at evening more<br/> I want to be "reborn" member cause i wanna profe to poke world that im strong :D</t>
  10. Re: Shabrina's Shop ~ <t>50 k the last happiny :D</t>
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