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Posts posted by Moekitten

  1. Oh yay I'm happy my feedback is good! I would love to try my hand at spriting in the community as well to get better at pixel art. Is there a template of the bases around here somewhere?~


    and of course devil horns, there would have to be horns and halos lol

  2. I would be very sad if it discontinued even though I typically fall off then come back and off and on again. God knows I've spent a good chunk of money from changing names x-many times and bought new mounts/vanity on each name LOL because i'm lame~! :Shy:


    I'm just binge (re)watching Orange is the New Black while rerolling on JP Love Live SIF because I'm obsessed. :Heart:

  3. ahhh I love it. I love the art and coloring and the music and just everything!~ Shiro-tan is the best loli tbh I've never been a huge fan of loli-type characters (moe girls ftw), but amg she is too perfect.


    There still hasn't been an announcement for season 2 and I NEED IT.

  4. I might be the only one, but I was wondering if we could have more vanity items available! I enjoy the current list and the new additions that get added, but would like to add some suggestions~


    More headgear, perhaps pokemon (or you know kitty ears because... cats) ears or bows? Angel wing headbands/halos? Most of the hats are aimed towards males and it would be nice to have a wider selection for girls. (plus I'd buy cat ears asap. Can even be Skitty ears, Eevee, Pikachu, etc)


    Add backpack options for wings or tails?


    Probably lame suggestions from a weeb like me, but those are just my two cents! :Heart:

  5. Hi hi! I am MoeKitten, feel free to call me Kitten/Kitty or Moe, whatever lol


    I had another account, but I wanted to make another one, I am on the Blue Server~! I am a shiny hunter/collector of rares myself <3 so far I only have a shiny pidgey which is common, but I got it after 1 hour of game play on my account so I'm happy with that! n u n I hope I get to chat with more people and get to know others!

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