Stall team system like legit blissey+skarmory. which each behaves best with defending special attacks or physical attacks. Means they are balanced team with moves consider most circumstances. But not all stall team could win offensive teams. Firstly, when defiant is updated, mandibuzz would be almost needed for every stall team since arcanine would be useless there. Secondly speed boost blaziken with sunny team is really a good one breaking stall, you dont 2hko by slowbro scald and wont be 1hko by anything stall after 1 spd boost, and even anything offensive except for talonflame, though you may need focus sash. Another stall breaking way is using mixed pokemons, tyranitar lead, dragonite lead, with fighting type move like superpower, hide it until you can one shot there stall pokemon especailly blissey. Do some calculations, wont behard. hope my advice could help you.
If you are playing offensive team. here is my advice.
1.Get Fire moves in your team, better with stabs.
2.Fighting type moves are must in your team,better with physical move, not special one.
3.Get grass moves or type in your team, better with stabs and enough damage to deal with 1-2 calm mind slowbro.(Slowbros are usually with calm mind now since goth really annoying)
4. Get high spd finisher/Talonflame.
5. Mixed pokemons needed and do some calculations
6. Get lums on every physical attackers.
7. Prepare rapid spin/defog even thats a timid starmie/adment tech scizor. it could do a lot.
8. believe or not, Bisharp is a really good pokemon breaking stalls and it is somehow bulky compared to crawdaunt.