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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Hi, i hope u read my request How old are you and where are you from? I'm 26 y/o and Perú is where i born. Why would you like to join Trinity? I'm LF knowledge about PvP things, i learn fast. What is the highest rating you've ever got? like 200 but meta allways change so i need help on that How much hours did you play PRO so far and how many hours do you play right now? i got 1000+ hours, but daily 1 or 2 hours depends on IRL things. What else other than rating can you contribute to Trinity? Everyone has many things to share, talking by myself i've to say friendship, help if is needed, anything that i can apport. Add a picture of your trainer card in the application. What is your Discord ID? khop#4115
  2. in the end he chose noibat # 1, finished business.
  3. o/ thnx i'll contact u at ur discord ^^
  4. hi, i recently read "Extension of MS and Coins" but i didn't recieve nothing in my main acc (blue server) :( so i hope u can solve this mismatch. Thnx ^^ IGN: Mrwriter Discord: Mrwriter#4115
  5. hi :D excuse the delay but can u contact me at discord ? :D
  6. are u taking mons to train? pm me at discord bro mrwriter#4115
  7. There will always be a placer for u, this isn't a good bye. Everyone will miss u... Cya
  8. What is your Discord tag? Mrwriter#4115 How often do you use Discord? everyday i check #announcements section If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Maybe more events like this would generate more active players, and specific sections (make a poll on which).
  9. Re: **MrWriter's Personal Shop** <t>@ily2 gimme ur ign or pm at discord when u free ^^ <br/> <br/> IGN: Mrwriter<br/> <br/> Discord: Mrwriter#4115</t>
  10. Re: **MrWriter's Personal Shop** <r><QUOTE author="ily2" post_id="504170" time="1517702670" user_id="1919539"><s> </e></QUOTE> Starly #2 right? 1d auction ^^ <E>:thanks:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> Is the action done yet xd <e> </e></QUOTE> yay it's done xD, srry i was a bit busy today</r>
  11. Re: **MrWriter's Personal Shop** <r><QUOTE author="ily2" post_id="503526" time="1517584934" user_id="1919539"><s> </e></QUOTE> Starly #2 right? 1d auction ^^ <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  12. Re: **MrWriter's Personal Shop** <r><QUOTE author="Rod07" post_id="502835" time="1517443723" user_id="1726179"><s> </e></QUOTE> okee sir, 1 day auction. <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  13. Re: **MrWriter's Personal Shop** <r><QUOTE author="Rod07" post_id="502835" time="1517443723" user_id="1726179"><s> </e></QUOTE> okee sir, 1 day auction. <E>:Grin:</E></r>
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