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Everything posted by Sirblown

  1. oops wrong nature nvm
  2. just found out its added sorry can close post
  3. add mega evolve for Primeape to Annihilape
  4. but i see now its 140 ivs, how do i delete this post ?
  5. Hi, i'd like to join this guild my in game name is Sirblown im 32 From United States discord name is siir_viibe
  6. oh i might have typed in tom since that's his real name, well shoot how do i review the mail?
  7. i sent my friend pramantha11 an arcanine mount before he got the fourth badge and when he got it the mail i sent was not in mailbox.
  8. Now with the exp rework, its the perfect time to implement the Lucky Egg into the game to help the exp grinders feel a little more satisfied with their time spent.
  9. game name : sirblown discord id : sirblown#528 favorite pokemon : primape hours played : 72
  10. Sirblown


    game name : sirblown discord id : sirblown#528 favorite poke : Primape hours played : 72
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