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About Mystogan15

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  1. sold. lock please.
  2. Good update, buy why do you have 100 potions?
  3. Hi I'm not a staff member by any means, but since the game is programmed for the android operating system, it shouldn't matter what 'brand' of phone you have. As long as it's a phone running the android os as opposed to the iOS, you should have no problems.
  4. PRO Username: mystogan15 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? nothing What have you already tried to solve the problem? nothing Description and Message I helped Jayenomics on the red server evolve his epic haunter and he wanted a placeholder pokemon, so i gave him my hm slave bidoof, and he didn't give me back my bidoof and threatened to report me if i didn't give back his haunter.
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