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About Mlgcupcakes1

  • Birthday 11/21/1992

Mlgcupcakes1's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Servers status online , cant rly get in for 10 min now sup ?
  2. Simple rules: 1. MS = 800k 2. This is my poke so i can take it if i dont like offers 3. No any other comments allowed only bids and related questions only Starting bid : 800k Instant trade : 2ms or 1,6m https://imgur.com/a/gZ0vK
  3. ye its cool , i just hope the next update will fix it :D , thanks for your time , have a nice day/night .
  4. well is it able if they dont respawn the next 3-4 days , somebody just reset or respawn them for me ? :( that was the 3rd in a row fight and it hurts :P
  5. well i saw dig/headbut is a big of deal to make them into items , one of my ideas will probably belong on the same category which is make rock slide TM - into Hiking Boots item but what i trully believe is 100% a must is HM-05 Flash turn into a Flashlight which you will be able to use just clicking the same way you do now but from your inventory , flash is pretty annoying to teach at pokemons and has pretty much 0 use and you need it for bosses or dark caves digging etc . Also you could add Diving Suit with oxygen (outfit look) to replace HM Dive which would be supercool (and people could mod that into more cool looking outfits ) .
  6. we rly need that block list so we dont bother with the same guys all the time
  7. yes but the point isnt the checker is why after 13 days to be exact jessie and james havent spawn yet ? :p am i bugged or maybe he forget to change this boss to 12 days or something ?
  8. Do you remember when was the last time you battled them? 2 weeks ago , their cd is off because i first started kanto then gone johto and now i ve done bosses i finished before team rocket . i had some strange issues with koichi and 2-3 bosses that was like 46 hours cd ( checker was saying they are up )althou 2 weeks cd was over but somehow they got fixed and i fought with em yestarday .
  9. npcs arent respawing even thou 2 weeks passed and checker says they are up https://imgur.com/a/NhbH9
  10. i have unfriend some people for some days now and i still get the notification when they log in , its happening maybe 6 days now so its not a issue of me loging out and in to refresh or something . Server : blue IGN : MLGCupcakes1
  11. tree axe brought 600k . no money for ms , cant find the way to make this threat TRADED , there should be a settings somewhere i m just blind probably ? :P
  12. nah you are mistaken, pvp is bad but i m playing for like 450 hours , i can do otherstuff , pro isnt a 80hours game, pokemon goal isnt to just finish up 3 leagues and quit , you can pass time trading ,hunt epics , maybe collect shines , mounts/accessories etc ,you can even just make walks and talk at your guild tab , pro is a fine game , althou i may be wrong but i think they give wrong priorities or they lack people at the coding part , i think they shouldve focused on finishing up moves way before they even release hoenn and now shane or red talked about sinnoh which is fine and game will be packed again but i think they should focus all the manpower on completing the pvp first and then maybe add effects which is pretty cool before they do anythingelse .
  13. i ll anwear you for one last time , but i wont even open a reply from you again . -> you know what feedback is right ? what i did was test pvp and write my opinion . Do you really want to talk about grown up behaivor mr , Nobody agrees with you ? Did somebody who think he is a god and knows what a whole community believe just told me about xD ? yes obviously are half-assed suggestions i m not a dev or a wanna be dev , i just wrote staff i had in mind thats what "suggestion means" doesnt have to be perfect , correct . -> i didnt argue with anyone i just said my opinion . And you will be kid for 1 reason , you cant undrestand a simple post and its reason , you live in a perfect world where people tend to post perfect suggestions and something thats not perfect triggers you , nobody seeked attention by simple fellow player , or demanded from devs to do something , nor even whinned , you reply and reply like a total expert , thats why you are a kid , get over yourself .
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