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  1. PRO Username: Crintar Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? Nothing its not a problem its a serious question What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message Since i have come back there are 2 servers which is great. but i have a serious question Are we allowed to play on both Severs from the Same PC Aka being logged in Red and Blue? I have looked through the Rules and i see nothing about this! I asked in the live chat but was told to post on here :P to get a clear answer Thank you in Advance. :Grin:
  2. Considering the fact this bug has been around for a long time ... the factor of changing an ip address has no effect on this bug considering every single person gets this. the only way to avoid this is by opening your items every 10 or so battles. I have really good internet and have tested this on different operating systems / pc sets up / internet connections and still get it on all. I have also made a bug post about before! and Still hope this gets fixed. Edit: If you want to test my theory on this go hunt with out hitting items for about hr or so then hit items I bet you freeze ;) We were not able to replicate this bug, hencewhy there is no fix. Me and wife can Replicate this multiple times over ( on different computers) just by doing this -> Edit: If you want to test my theory on this go hunt with out hitting items for about hr or so then hit items I bet you freeze ;) As well it has happen today 2x's just hunting for Xmas pokes
  3. Considering the fact this bug has been around for a long time ... the factor of changing an ip address has no effect on this bug considering every single person gets this. the only way to avoid this is by opening your items every 10 or so battles. I have really good internet and have tested this on different operating systems / pc sets up / internet connections and still get it on all. I have also made a bug post about before! and Still hope this gets fixed. Edit: If you want to test my theory on this go hunt with out hitting items for about hr or so then hit items I bet you freeze ;)
  4. Well ... I have asked a few people in game that have vouchers. And it seems no one can do it now ... till shane either gives us the In game item for trade Or we get a link like we had before... Cause I Am not gonna trust Some one to log in to donate on my account lol...
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