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Everything posted by Legendaryshadow

  1. My account was never banned but i can log in to gold server fine but if i log in to silver is says my username and/or password is wrong so i am lost i merge my red account to my blue account i spent a lot of irl money on this game and really want to play on my silver account which is my main account please help me in this time of need.
  2. Thejonshow77------ I need this mouse because When i was 12 my older sister died in a car wreck and its be hard without her even tho that was in 2012 and my grandma died in 2015 my life has been hard i know that another people had a harder life then me but i need this mouse to play PRO better and use it to make Youtube videos in Pro and have fun in Pro by using using the mouse I hope i get pick or anyone that are caring and kind to other PRO players so that we know that there are good people in Pro because some people use cheats and stuff to be unfair with the rest of us but i wish the best lucky to everyone here and i hope someone that is awesome gets it i want it to go to someone with cancer can we do that ?? if not then someone else that is awesome Thank you ------ <3 Thejonshow77
  3. i got 2 shiny rats for 25k
  4. What server are you on
  5. Pokemon games are different then the PRO game of pokemon
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