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Everything posted by Nitefoxx

  1. So, I headbutt the trees in Viridan City, Route 2, then Pewter City yesterday afternoon. Today, I was able to re-headbutt the trees in Pewter City and Route 2, but the ones in Viridian City have not reloaded for me to headbutt, even though its been 24 hours. Any fix to this issue? Thanks. -Nitefoxx
  2. Hello all, Just wondering what type of setup I want for Fletchling (eventually Talonflame). Should I go for jolly or adamant nature? please state why you think that as well. Thank you! -Nitefoxx
  3. Unless this has already been suggested, a Pokemon's HP bar should turn yellow if it's less than or equal to 50%. This would help us gauge if we should keep a Pokemon in play or not (atm, it's hard to know if a move took out 50% of my, or my opponents, Pokemon's HP or not). Then of course, the bar turn red at low (but no need to add the annoying beep...). Thanks. -Nitefoxx
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