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About Delareen

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  1. Welcome to the PRO's club! :Cool:
  2. Unfortunately as Deathwing has said, we won't be doing an iOS version. Sorry for the inconvenience. -locked-
  3. -moved to proper forum- Umbreon can learn curse but you need access to the egg move tutor which is in the daycare. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=14079 this is the guide to help you with that. Locked
  4. Hi, the 3rd badge is actually the dynamo badge which you get once you've defeated Watson in mauville city.
  5. Well come back, I hope you enjoy it :Grin:
  6. Delareen


    Synchronize doesn't copy abilities, its the nature that is copied through as mentioned in MegaFlygon''s example and increases your chance of finding the pokemon with the nature you desire. -Moved to proper forum-
  7. Hi as the player previously said it was previously only obtainable in gen 2 as an egg, but you can get Elekid as a reward from boss Naero in cerulean cave. -moved to proper forum-
  8. Hi do you remember what time of day? it is coded in but normally it works around morning time.
  9. Hi, as others have mentioned, you haven't already make an appeal here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32 Locked.
  10. I am afraid you will have to wait for the server to re-boot for you to be able to log back in.They don't happen very often any more but, sorry for the inconvenience caused.
  11. Yeah unfortunately we cannot return those pokemon for you since we have neither information, sorry for the inconvenience.
  12. Hi, if you wish to appeal for an unban please post here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32
  13. what happens when you press on that link?
  14. Hello did this happen during a disconnection/ crash? and do you have a screenshot of the IDs?
  15. -moved to proper forum-
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