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Everything posted by Yulinh16

  1. bump bump :Heart: :Heart: :Heart: End at 1pm 24/6//2016 GMT+7
  2. bump :Heart: :Heart: :Heart:
  3. End at 1pm tomorrow gmt +7
  4. End at 1pm tomorrow gmt +7
  5. The bid start now! End at 1pm tomorrow gmt +7
  6. bumb :Heart: :Heart:
  7. bump :Heart: :Heart:
  8. hmm ... I would sell in 24h after the last offer instant Price : 2m
  9. Will end in 24h when reach the price I need and how much the price u need? don't know wait for best offer
  10. Will end in 24h when reach the price I need
  11. :Heart: :Heart: :Heart: the bid will start when I meet a reasonable price, and will end in 24h after that. You can't retract a bid until the auction ends. BO now : 1m350 by Phidang The bid start now! End at 1pm tomorrow gmt +7 INSTANT PRICE : 2m
  12. i sold PuhiiPuhiii 450 becasue i mistakenly recorded 9m 22 march GMT + 7 sr all
  13. i so sr i mistakenly recorded end bid 9am 24 march 2016 GMT +7 :Ambivalent:
  14. Bo 450k now
  15. Bo now 350k by Haosan end bid at 9am 24 march 2016 GMT +7
  16. up up up up up
  17. [image][/image] end bid at 9am 24 march 2016 GMT +7
  18. Re: [Auctioning EPIC shellos, poliwag H.A, SPECIAL CHANCE TO BUY EPIC PVP POKE !!!] VNS2 HUNTER © <t>650k blissey</t>
  19. Re: [Auctioning EPIC shellos, poliwag H.A, SPECIAL CHANCE TO BUY EPIC PVP POKE !!!] VNS2 HUNTER © <t>550k blissey<br/> 250k poliwag <br/> 910k milotic</t>
  20. -vupix timid dought epic stat
  21. Re: Nosafur's Pkmshop (Epic Avalugg) <t>200k avalugg</t>
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