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About Frenchinstagram

  • Birthday 06/16/1996

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  • Career
    sport cinema model
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  • Occupation
    sport cinema model

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  1. Hey it's me Mariooo I'm from France, in france you can find pokemon's lovers and Eiffel Tower, but she is useless. I'm on Red serveur, you can find the really good Sabo, the mysterious Henrigolant or the strange Bossman And my name ingame is FrenchInstagram, because i'm a little famous on this social app Thanks staff member," i hope to be me" # Like said The ex-president of France
  2. first of all , you cannot delete a account , if its not logged for almost a year it get removed , banned accounts can be unbanned if it was a mistake or something . and 2 accounts per email , 2 emails per player , means you can up to 4 accounts no more. Ok thanks, and if a banned account is not logged for almost a year, get it removed ? And after an account is removed, can we use the mail again ?
  3. PRO Username: too short. Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? (My username is too long for be enter in "pro username") Well hello guys , i have search how to delete an account and i don't find anything , so my questions are : -can we delete an account ? -can we delete a ban account ? -If we can delete an account or ban account can we use an other time the mail ? ( if it's the second account on this same mail ) Thanks all What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message
  4. Re: WTS > Houndour Adamant EPIC Hidden Ability <t>how much do you sell it ?</t>
  5. i 've never find shiny ... #RIP
  6. Well thank you guys ^^ have a nice game :DD
  7. PRO Username: frenchi... Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? Hello , i just want to know if we can switch name ? some people said yes, other say no , i just want the truth xp Thanks What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message
  8. Re: CHRONOS [international Guild] Recruiting! (17+) <t>since i start i want come in this beautiful guild : )<br/> Well i must wait 2 weeks for postulate here ^^ <br/> have a nice game guys</t>
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