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Everything posted by Shamow008

  1. ok..i will try..let me check ty.
  2. i bought a pick axe..but i couldnt rock samsh using it..i dont know why..pls help how to use it? i placed it in hotbar no3 slot.. :thanks:
  3. yes i faced that toofew days before while i was training my poke ev....its in kanto
  4. Can anyone tell me how to go desert leagon n abandon desert village..plz anyone tell me the way to go this 2 places..btw i am also member.. :thanks:
  5. i got the gs ball when i reloged..but not the stone..thank you
  6. i had caught all johto poke n mew...my playing hour 490 n 121 evolved...when i get back to ecrutek city to scientists rey but he didnt give me any legendary stone..after that i go back to scinetist of ruins of alpha for the gs ball..he gave me the gs ball but there is nothing in my backpack..now what i do?pls help me
  7. Re: Catch Celebi - The Chrono Traveler [Celebi Quest Part 1+2+3+Final)] <r>i have done everything as u had done but the scientist from ecruteak city didnt give me any those legendary dog stone n now the scientist from ruins of alpha didnt give me the gs ball..i have all poke seen n caught data kanto na johto n also all legendary..what to do now help me ? <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  8. B.o start from 500k/ insta 1.5m 24 hr left https://imgur.com/a/PkDzl
  9. i want to buy jolly gible on red server..add me in game or left message here..ty
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