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  1. it happened to me before. GOOD THING im in the middle of preparation to my next opponent after beating agatha. im still inside the elite4 when the server is up. if you are in the middle of battle then goodluck.XD almost happened to me during johto elite4 and really almost in my battle with red in the summit.XD lesson learned, we need to defeat them as fast as we can.
  2. Thanks Yixars... so yah the server is still offline T_T. i'll look or you when the server is up ^^
  3. Hi guys need help to evolve my Shiny Seadra willing to pay 50k for this process. i need trading buddy with evolving shiny seadra or even S kingdra for assurance, dont worry i'll also add the 50k on our initial trade. Red gyarados is also fine but i can only send 30k for the process. Please help me guys. Thanks ^_^ :Heart:
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