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Posts posted by Zartelust

  1. 1 minute ago, Bash said:

    Nah. I want OU action.


    Besides that I think the ban system is not good. Manaphy is almost UU in this case and would destroy UU, same for Greninja.

    Thinks Like Manaphy and Gren would always be on the UU Banlist

  2. Why do you want to join NoMercy?

    I was here from the beginning and would like to be back after not playing for some years


    What can you contribute to NoMercy?

    Most of all some good banter


    Have you ever been banned in PRO, and why?

    Botting and you all know it x)


    Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO?

    Working on getting together some good pvp mons and hitting ladder again.

    Finishing dex


    How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak?

    27, German, bit of French


    What is your discord name and ID tag number?



    Provide a screenshot of your Trainer Card.


  3. Quite some time ago I was banned/unbanned and told I could keep the legendary/mythical mons I already caught. (I can link the ban appeal thread if you want). However they all got deleted, but I still have the caught data in my pokedex and am not able to do the quests again ingame. I don't have any of the ID's handy, but could maybe find some of the old screenshots somewhere. Any chance of getting them back? Mons should be Mew, Raikou, Celebi, Latias, Jirachi, Azelf, Heatran and Genesect.

    Playing on Silver server.

    Feel free to dm me about the topic :)


    Hi. I recovered your Pokes. If I have forgotten one please let me know. Greetings, M3ru3m
  4. 330803
    330799 those new abilitys not working btw, at least the way they should. Contrary and megalauncher tested atm.

    Care to explain why Contrary and Mega Launcher are not working? Posting proof of your testing so staff can correct these if they are indeed bugged? Just saying they are bugged isnt really that helpful, we need to know how they are bugged so they can be investigated and corrected.



    I for myself tested Iron Barbs, Mega Launcher, Magic Guard, Magic Bounce and Defiant.

    They all worked fine except for Defiant (not triggered by Intimidate and Sticky Web, but triggered by stat changing moves like Tail Whip). But there's already a Thread for Defiant.

  5. I also tested most of the abilites that should work now.

    Mega Launcher, Magic Bounce, Iron Barbs and Rough Skin work perfectly fine.

    However Defiant doesn't work perfectly yet.

    Defiant kicks in when a move lowers one of the stats, so that's good.

    But it doesn't get activated when Intimidated, although it should.


    EDIT: Also it doesn't work when switched into a laid out Sticky Web when it should.


    Sorry, but that's not how it works. Players can well borrow pokemon from others and complete Hoenn (and the dex) in less than a couple hours easily. Bosses in Hoenn are also based on total game time and not on Hoenn game time so...


    Are you sure that Maxie and Archie are based on total game time, at least the "boss guide" on forums says otherwise. I also have a lot of discoveries in excavation, what also indicates I have a lot of Hoenn play time. But well, I guess i can give you no proof then. Annoying to just play Hoenn now for getting the hours to get Jirachi.


    Anyway, thank you for your time.

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