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Everything posted by Vera8

  1. So I saw that the game got updated. For all those who the game client made the PC crash on v90 - Does it still doing it on the new update? Me and my friends stopped playing because of that and I wonder if we can go back to play?
  2. Re: Known Issues <r><QUOTE author="Sage"><s> </e></QUOTE> <e> </e></QUOTE> Can I change the resolution back after or it will crash?</r>
  3. Old versions are not working. the game needs to be up to date
  4. Re: Windows 10 Users (Problems and Fixes) <r><QUOTE author="Bowser"><s> </e></QUOTE> I got blamed for my "lousy PC" in the "Support live chat" and that it's not the game devs problem.<br/> So.. WE ALL HAVE REALLY LOUSY PCs AND IT'S OUR FAULT GUYS.<br/> <br/> <br/> ps. pls help, I'm addicted, I need this.</r>
  5. Someone tried these solutions and it worked for him?? https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5332
  6. Hey :Exclam: Since the new update, I could get on the game once. The game lagged and froze (like the usual, no biggy) so I quit. After few minutes I tried to get back on, opened the client, the client went white and my PC died (windows 10) with a blue screen with a huge sad smiley. "Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart..." Somebody knows how to fix it? :Frown:
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