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Everything posted by Kynetic

  1. Hi! My favorite poke is Furret, cuz he ma b.... slave, he's my (hm)slave... and I don't want the headset because most of the time I play on mute! Thanks anyway Shane, I think you're one of the greatest devs yet! Keep it up! PS: - Not sucking up. I reeeaaly don't want the headphones, plus I'm sure somebody out there really needs 'em more =)
  2. I'm free!!!! Just tried logging in again (but for the 10th time) and FINALLY it's passed the loading screen. Dunno if it was a live fix or if it just came undone somehow with ligther traffic, but I'm free. If it was a fix, MANY GREAT THANKS OH ALL MIGHTY ONES. XD
  3. Well this was a specially bad day to decide to start in PRO. But that was because it's a huge update day. This not being an industry giant software company, we should be grateful they managed to only take a few hours to apply these changes. In fact, we're lucky THEY're doing it at all. But that's a different issue, just as your attempt to register today. I say give it a second chance, maybe tomorrow, idk, but give it some time to sort stuff out, after all this hoenn hype cools down, I'm sure you'll enjoy the game as much as everybody else. Good luck to us all, I'm also still stuck on loading, on blue server, meanwhile playing on red, praying the same doesn't happen =p
  4. True, I guess, but now that Hoenn's out, maybe they could come back to making the game more playable before adding more content...
  5. I guess now that I'm expecting it, it doesn't bother me so much anymore. But of course it's a bug. It doesn't work how it's supposed to so there's a bug.
  6. Exactly same problem, so I figured I wouldn't start a new thread. Or should I? So you can count how many people are getting bugged =p
  7. Count one more with this same problem. In my case in blue server, tried absol eeveerything. I can get into red server fine though.
  8. So, I was leveling up a Geodude, and it turned 16, got Rock Throw, and immediately something went wrong, server or client i don't know but i was suddenly logged out. - I log back in and my Geodude is lvl 16, but NO Rock Throw, still the old move... Now, I realize I can use the move re-learner, but why should I be forced to waste money (most valuable in this game) to fix this, right? Oh, and a... I did call for a gm ingame, many times and in many rooms. I guess nobody was about at the time, so I marched my fingers to the forum. Can I be helped? :Frown: EDIT: I finally talked to a mod ingame, said he couldn't do anything, use move relearner or skip the move. I'm disappointed, that's all, the first time I'me disappointed with PRO staff, you always seemed very helpful and savvy, sorry but I don't believe that "you can't" fix stuff like this. (here's a perfectly doable fix just so it's fair: say, use the relearner and we'll reimburse your loss) But nevermind, I found out this is actually quite common, which is sad. Even sadder if you think they're coding a game, but can't edit the moveset of my pkmn... Sad, but believable. then you could use my suggestion... Now that, I wouldn't believe you couldn't just fork over 2k in a situation like that.
  9. It would be fine, except for when you get a new move, because it pops up in your face when you're not even supposed to know if your attack hits yet, let alone that you win. I think it even pops up before the enemy attack when it's before ours. It's the sudden in your face screen popping, when you're not expecting it (well, by now I am expecting it), like a spook. I don't want to be spooked. I'm not playing a horror game. And it comes as an uncomfortable feeling, that's the thing, I guess that's what I meant to really ask; Am I the only one getting an uncomfortable spook when the move learn dialog suddenly slams in my face? :Crazy:
  10. Hi! Is it just me who's getting bugged with how exp earned and new moves pop up, AS SOON as the last hit lands, BEFORE displaying the animation, the texts & the faint? :confused:
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