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Everything posted by Elhijodelpap

  1. Hello and welcome to my daycare's forum thread. Regions Supported: Kanto | Johto | Services EV-Training Hide 252 EVs = 20k - - - 510 EVs = 42k Pokemon leveling Normal Pokemon 1 to 100 = 55k Tank Pokemon 1 to 100 = 65
  2. :Grin: Hello and welcome to my store :Grin: My info Rules Untrained Pokemon Item Shop :thanks:
  3. :thanks:[/center
  4. :thanks:[/center
  5. 2k start Ends 24h after first bid :thanks:[/center
  6. :Grin: Hello and welcome to my store :Grin: My info Rules Untrained Pokemon :thanks:
  7. 39k start Ends 24h after first bid :thanks:
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