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Everything posted by Whispa

  1. hi i recently made an alt account by the name of "bummy". was assigned to a previously unused email, but upon clicking the link i received a message saying it didn't work. after trying the link several more times to no avail, i am contacting staff as it suggests. any help would be appreciated! thanks
  2. hi several times today upon joining a pvp match my lead pokemon spontaneously died. The opponents lead gained a status every time, which was removed the next turn, however my poke remained dead. hopefully something can be done about this as it is gamebreaking in my opinion. thanks
  3. IGN: whispa i don't need the mouse but it blows my 10$ walmart mouse out of the water :Crazy:
  4. cool thank you for the tip :)
  5. PRO Username: whispa Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? when in a battle with wild pokemon, clicking the items tab will 9/10 times freeze the client. What have you already tried to solve the problem? clicking the battle menu before clicking items usually helps Description and Message running mac osx client, i have redownloaded the client several times to no avail. any solutions or feedback would be greatly appreciated. thanks
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